Regional volunteer network in social services

Sign Up

Virtual volunteer
Check your data. Fields with * are mandatory, and the two passwords must be identical!
There is already a signup request with this e-mail!
In order to sign up, you must accept the terms and conditions
Perform the ant-spam test! (I am not a robot)
Bad personal ID
Only persons above 16 years can sign up!
Asociaţia Caritas Catolica Oradea este inregistrată ca operator de date cu caracter personal la Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal cu nr. 17992.
The request has been registered. We sent you an e-mail containing a verification code. Enter the code below, or click on the link contained in the e-mail to finalize the signup. If you cannot find the e-mail, also check the spam folder.
If you cannot finalize in 24 hours, you must repeat the signup process.
Enter the verification code!
Bad verification code, expired or already verified.
The e-mail address has been verified successfully. Now you can login using your e-mail and password.
You can complete your personal data and select the organizations you wish to work with.
Your organization's account will be activated by the Volo Administrator. Until then you can complete your organization's data.
Successful sign up.
Varadinet Web Development